Pine Islandへようこそ。

I'm Meep Matsushima and this is my website.



galleries & pages
crafts.html some of my craft projects
icons.html icons I've commissioned from various artists (with links)
prompts.html randomly-generated writing prompts

Meep Matsushima, poet speculative poetry & short fiction
Pine Island Dolls doll collection profiles, info, etc
(includes recommended reading)
pixelated paradise nostalgic pixel adoption site
this site may not be mobile friendly

submissions tracker template for short stories/poetry submissions and agent queries
prompts randomly-generated writing prompts


Collections are perpetual works-in-progress personal wikis.

reading (&c.) log record of everything I've read (&c.) since ~2022
גיור resources (& reflections*) on conversion to Judaism
Creative Influences a personal canon page against the "canon"


Meep Matsuhima 松島美色布みぃーぷ
pronouns: she/her & æ/ær
age: 30something
location: 東京 | Tokyo
more? author bio intro post



social media
Dreamwidth diary* (August 2017~)
*comment to be added
Flickr photo archive (August 2024~)
Pillowfort annotated bibliography & reading reflections (November 2019~)
Instagram doll photography (March 2021~)

friends & family
honooko bestie & fanfic author
Lev Mirov chosen sibling & poet
Aleksei Valentín brother-in-law & fabulist
S. Qiouyi Lu friend & writer-poet-translator

Admin Mart template source code
Neocities web host
smallweb community for support, tips, tricks, &c.
Accessible Web resources for accessible web design
Anti-"AI" anti-[so called] "AI" resources: articles, videos, tools, etc.
Big Ideas a (free) planner designed for disabled creators
Layout Builder responsive template by sadgrl

Meep Matsushima 2024-
No so-called "A.I." tools were used to create this website or any of my work. If I didn't bother to write/crochet/code it, why should you waste your time with it?