old web graphics archive
Inspired by ange's LJ icon archive, I'm sharing (some of) my massive collection of 100x100 userpics, as well as some more recently collected web stamps.
Please be aware that icons contain unmarked spoilers.
Before MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, there was LiveJournal. Every free account had 3 (later 15) image slots for 100x100 pixel icons and a community of graphics creators emerged making userpics (or "icons") of any and all fandoms, characters, stock photos, etc.
You can view my current Dreamwidth userpics here.
I honestly don't know anything about the history of web stamps.
Where known, creators are credited in the file names.
These icons were commissioned by me and are not available to use! (Why would you want to use a drawing of me as your icon, anyway?)To see more (not-100x100) icons, check out my icon gallery.