June 12, 2020
Dear Headmistress McGonagall,In light of recent decisions and announcements from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry regarding transgender students and staff, I am writing today to return my Ravenclaw prefect badge (2005-2007).
I understand that the policy decisions may have been outside of your control as headmistress. The Board of Governors may have overruled your wishes. However, as it stands, the policy is unacceptable to me as a Hogwarts alumna (2007, N.E.W.T.s in Transfiguration (O), History of Magic (O), Charms (O), Muggle Studies (O), and Potions (E)).
Respectfully: Hogwarts teaches students to brew potions that allow complete transformation into another body and helps natural Metamorphmagi hone and control their skills. If this is acceptable magic to teach underages Witches and Wizards, there is simply no reason for the stairs to the girls' dorms to refuse entry to transgender Witches at Hogwarts. (Also, the stairs are inaccessible for disabled students. This has been a concern since before my time at Hogwarts and still has not been addressed by the administration.)
I met many of my nearest and dearest friends at Hogwarts and I have worn my Ravenclaw scarf and prefect badge with pride since I was a student. Following my graduation in 2007, the policies at Hogwarts have been increasingly worrisome to me as an alumna but I maintained my school pride. I was concerned about the continued use of House Elf labor; the cultural exclusion of minority religions, particularly Jewish and Wiccan students; and the ongoing relationship between Hogwarts and Ilvermorny, given the criticisms by Native activists of the Ilvermorny house names and culturally appropriative traditions. The recent announcement regarding transgender students and staff was the straw that broke the dragon's back.
Therefore, with regret and nostalgia, I am returning my prefect badge and wand (13", ironwood with a banshee hair core) in solidarity with transgender students and staff, past present and future, at Hogwarts.
It turns out I don't need it after all: the magic was in me all along.
Respectfully,Meep Matsushima
Hogwarts Class of 2007
return to current obsession | part of pine island projects