Ohkawa Nanami

12cm BJD girl with blue eyes and long straight black hair wearing a lacy Gothic Lolita dress and hat

doll information

date: 16 May 2024 doll type: Maytree Constellation Series Aquarius
wig: [unknown] 4-5" black long with fringe
eyes: [default] 12mm Aquarius acrylic
more photos:

I purchased Nanami secondhand in a set with Miya and Seina. (See notes .)

12cm BJD girl with blue eyes and long straight black hair wearing a lacy Gothic Lolita dress and hat

character information

name: Ohkawa Nanami (Nana)
オオカワ七海 (なな)

pronouns: she/her
age: N/A robot doll
occupation: robot doll
likes: peace and quiet, her sister Miya (smoltailordolls)

